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伺服器 API » 房間

Room 類的作用是實現遊戲會話, 並且/或作為一組客戶端之間的通信通道.

  • 預設情況下,在匹配期間 on demand 創建房間
  • 必須使用 .define() 發布 Room 類
import http from "http";
import { Room, Client } from "colyseus";

export class MyRoom extends Room {
    // When room is initialized
    onCreate (options: any) { }

    // Authorize client based on provided options before WebSocket handshake is complete
    onAuth (client: Client, options: any, request: http.IncomingMessage) { }

    // When client successfully join the room
    onJoin (client: Client, options: any, auth: any) { }

    // When a client leaves the room
    onLeave (client: Client, consented: boolean) { }

    // Cleanup callback, called after there are no more clients in the room. (see `autoDispose`)
    onDispose () { }
const colyseus = require('colyseus');

export class MyRoom extends colyseus.Room {
    // When room is initialized
    onCreate (options) { }

    // Authorize client based on provided options before WebSocket handshake is complete
    onAuth (client, options, request) { }

    // When client successfully join the room
    onJoin (client, options, auth) { }

    // When a client leaves the room
    onLeave (client, consented) { }

    // Cleanup callback, called after there are no more clients in the room. (see `autoDispose`)
    onDispose () { }


  • 自動調用房間生命周期事件.
  • 每個生命周期事件都支持 async/await 選項.

onCreate (options)

在匹配器創建房間之後, 進行一次調用.

The options argument is provided by the client upon room creation:

// Client-side - JavaScript SDK
client.joinOrCreate("my_room", {
  name: "Jake",
  map: "de_dust2"

// onCreate() - options are:
// {
//   name: "Jake",
//   map: "de_dust2"
// }

The server may overwrite options during .define() for authortity:

// Server-side
gameServer.define("my_room", MyRoom, {
  map: "cs_assault"

// onCreate() - options are:
// {
//   name: "Jake",
//   map: "cs_assault"
// }

在本例中, 在 onCreate() 期間, map 選項是 "cs_assault" ,在 onJoin() 期間的選項是 "de_dust2".

onAuth (client, options, request)

onJoin() 之前, 將執行 onAuth() 方法. 在客戶進入房間時, 可以使用此方法驗證身份.

  • 如果 onAuth() 返回一個 truthy 值, 將調用 onJoin(), 並將返回值作為第三個參數.
  • 如果 onAuth() 返回 falsy 值, 將立即拒絕客戶, 導致在客戶端調用匹配函數失敗.
  • 也可以拋出一個 ServerError, 以便在客戶端處理自定義錯誤.

如果此方法未被實現, 將始終返回 true, 從而允許任何客戶連線.

正在獲取玩家的 IP 地址

可以使用 request 變數檢索用戶的 IP 地址, http 標頭和更多資訊. 例如: request.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || request.connection.remoteAddress

Implementations examples

import { Room, ServerError } from "colyseus";

class MyRoom extends Room {
  async onAuth (client, options, request) {
     * Alternatively, you can use `async` / `await`,
     * which will return a `Promise` under the hood.
    const userData = await validateToken(options.accessToken);
    if (userData) {
        return userData;

    } else {
        throw new ServerError(400, "bad access token");
import { Room } from "colyseus";

class MyRoom extends Room {
  onAuth (client, options, request): boolean {
     * You can immediatelly return a `boolean` value.
     if (options.password === "secret") {
       return true;

     } else {
       throw new ServerError(400, "bad access token");
import { Room } from "colyseus";

class MyRoom extends Room {
  onAuth (client, options, request): Promise<any> {
     * You can return a `Promise`, and perform some asynchronous task to validate the client.
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      validateToken(options.accessToken, (err, userData) => {
        if (!err) {
        } else {
          reject(new ServerError(400, "bad access token"));

Client-side examples

在客戶端, 可以使用來自於您選擇的身份驗證服務(例如Facebook)的令牌調用匹配方法(join, joinOrCreate 等):

client.joinOrCreate("world", {
  accessToken: yourFacebookAccessToken

}).then((room) => {
  // success

}).catch((err) => {
  // handle error...
  err.code // 400
  err.message // "bad access token"
try {
  var room = await client.JoinOrCreate<YourStateClass>("world", new {
    accessToken = yourFacebookAccessToken
  // success

} catch (err) {
  // handle error...
  err.code // 400
  err.message // "bad access token"
client:join_or_create("world", {
  accessToken = yourFacebookAccessToken

}, function(err, room)
  if err then
    -- handle error...
    err.code -- 400
    err.message -- "bad access token"

  -- success
client.joinOrCreate("world", {
  accessToken: yourFacebookAccessToken

}, YourStateClass, function (err, room) {
  if (err != null) {
    // handle error...
    err.code // 400
    err.message // "bad access token"

  // success
client.joinOrCreate("world", {
  { "accessToken", yourFacebookAccessToken }

}, [=](MatchMakeError *err, Room<YourStateClass>* room) {
  if (err != "") {
    // handle error...
    err.code // 400
    err.message // "bad access token"

  // success

onJoin (client, options, auth?)


requestJoinonAuth 完成後, 客戶成功進入房間時調用.

onLeave (client, consented)

當客戶離開房間時調用. 如果由 initiated by the client 發起斷開, consented 參數將是 true, 否則將是 false.

可以將此函數定義為 async. 參見 graceful shutdown.

onLeave(client, consented) {
    if (this.state.players.has(client.sessionId)) {
async onLeave(client, consented) {
    const player = this.state.players.get(client.sessionId);
    await persistUserOnDatabase(player);

onDispose ()

在銷毀房間之前調用 onDispose() 方法, 在發生以下情況時調用:

  • 房間裏沒有客戶, 而且 autoDispose 被設置為 true(預設值)
  • 可以手動調用 .disconnect().

可以將 async onDispose() 定義為異步方法, 以便在數據庫中保留一些數據. 事實上, 在遊戲結束後, 很適合使用此方法在數據庫中保留玩家的數據.

參見 graceful shutdown.


此示例演示實現 onCreate, onJoinonMessage 方法的完整房間.

import { Room, Client } from "colyseus";
import { Schema, MapSchema, type } from "@colyseus/schema";

// An abstract player object, demonstrating a potential 2D world position
export class Player extends Schema {
  x: number = 0.11;

  y: number = 2.22;

// Our custom game state, an ArraySchema of type Player only at the moment
export class State extends Schema {
  @type({ map: Player })
  players = new MapSchema<Player>();

export class GameRoom extends Room<State> {
  // Colyseus will invoke when creating the room instance
  onCreate(options: any) {
    // initialize empty room state
    this.setState(new State());

    // Called every time this room receives a "move" message
    this.onMessage("move", (client, data) => {
      const player = this.state.players.get(client.sessionId);
      player.x += data.x;
      player.y += data.y;
      console.log(client.sessionId + " at, x: " + player.x, "y: " + player.y);

  // Called every time a client joins
  onJoin(client: Client, options: any) {
    this.state.players.set(client.sessionId, new Player());
const colyseus = require('colyseus');
const schema = require('@colyseus/schema');

// An abstract player object, demonstrating a potential 2D world position
exports.Player = class Player extends schema.Schema {
    constructor() {
        this.x = 0.11;
        this.y = 2.22;
schema.defineTypes(Player, {
    x: "number",
    y: "number",

// Our custom game state, an ArraySchema of type Player only at the moment
exports.State = class State extends schema.Schema {
    constructor() {
        this.players = new schema.MapSchema();
defineTypes(State, {
    players: { map: Player }

exports.GameRoom = class GameRoom extends colyseus.Room {
  // Colyseus will invoke when creating the room instance
  onCreate(options) {
    // initialize empty room state
    this.setState(new State());

    // Called every time this room receives a "move" message
    this.onMessage("move", (client, data) => {
      const player = this.state.players.get(client.sessionId);
      player.x += data.x;
      player.y += data.y;
      console.log(client.sessionId + " at, x: " + player.x, "y: " + player.y);

  // Called every time a client joins
  onJoin(client, options) {
    this.state.players.set(client.sessionId, new Player());



onMessage (type, callback)

註冊一個回呼, 以處理客戶端發送的某種類型的資訊.

type 參數可以是 stringnumber

Callback for specific type of message

onCreate () {
    this.onMessage("action", (client, message) => {
        console.log(client.sessionId, "sent 'action' message: ", message);

Callback for ALL messages

可以註冊單個回呼, 以處理所有其它類型的消息.

onCreate () {
    this.onMessage("action", (client, message) => {
        // Triggers when 'action' message is sent.

    this.onMessage("*", (client, type, message) => {
        // Triggers when any other type of message is sent,
        // excluding "action", which has its own specific handler defined above.
        console.log(client.sessionId, "sent", type, message);

Use room.send() from the client-side SDK to send messages

Check out room.send()} section.

setState (object)

設置同步房間狀態. 參見 State SynchronizationSchema 了解更多資訊.


通常,可以在 onCreate() 期間調用此方法一次


不要調用 .setState() 來進行每次房間更新. 每次調用時, 將會重置二叉樹路徑算法.

setSimulationInterval (callback[, milliseconds=16.6])

(可選)設置一個可以更改遊戲狀態的模擬間隔期. 此模擬間隔期間是您的遊戲循環周期. 預設模擬間隔期: 16.6ms (60fps)

onCreate () {
    this.setSimulationInterval((deltaTime) => this.update(deltaTime));

update (deltaTime) {
    // implement your physics or world updates here!
    // this is a good place to update the room state

setPatchRate (milliseconds)

設置將補丁狀態發送至所有客戶端的頻率. 預設值為 50ms (20fps)

setPrivate (bool)

將房間列表設置為私有(或轉換為公有, 如果提供 false).

>getAvailableRooms() 方法中未列出私有房間.

setMetadata (metadata)

為此房間設置元數據. 每個房間實例都可能附加了元數據 - 附加元數據的唯一目的是在從客戶端獲取可用房間列表時, 將一個房間與另一個房間區分開來, 通過 roomId 連線到房間, 並使用 client.getAvailableRooms().

// server-side
this.setMetadata({ friendlyFire: true });

現在, 房間已經有附加的元數據, 舉例來說, 客戶端可以檢查哪個房間有 friendlyFire, 並且可以通過其 roomId 直接連線到房間:

// client-side
client.getAvailableRooms("battle").then(rooms => {
  for (var i=0; i<rooms.length; i++) {
    if (room.metadata?.friendlyFire) {
      // join the room with `friendlyFire` by id:
      var room = client.join(room.roomId);

setSeatReservationTime (seconds)

設置房間可以等待客戶端有效加入的秒數 .應該考慮 onAuth() 需要等待多長時間, 以設置不同的座位預訂時間. 預設值為 15 秒.

如果想要全局更改座位預訂時間, 可以設置 COLYSEUS_SEAT_RESERVATION_TIME 環境變數.

send (client, message)


this.send() 已被棄用. 請使用 client.send() instead.

broadcast (type, message, options?)



  • except: a Client 不會發送消息至
  • afterNextPatch: 等待, 直到下一補丁廣播消息



onCreate() {
    this.onMessage("action", (client, message) => {
        // broadcast a message to all clients
        this.broadcast("action-taken", "an action has been taken!");

向所有客戶端廣播一條消息, 發送者除外:

onCreate() {
    this.onMessage("fire", (client, message) => {
        // sends "fire" event to every client, except the one who triggered it.
        this.broadcast("fire", message, { except: client });

僅在應用狀態變更之後, 向所有客戶端廣播一條消息:

onCreate() {
    this.onMessage("destroy", (client, message) => {
        // perform changes in your state!

        // this message will arrive only after new state has been applied
        this.broadcast("destroy", "something has been destroyed", { afterNextPatch: true });


class MyMessage extends Schema {
  @type("string") message: string;

// ...
onCreate() {
    this.onMessage("action", (client, message) => {
        const data = new MyMessage();
        data.message = "an action has been taken!";

lock ()


unlock ()


allowReconnection (client, seconds?)

允許指定的客戶 reconnect 房間. 必須在 onLeave() 方法中使用.

如果提供 seconds, 將在提供的秒數之後取消重新連線.

Return type:

  • allowReconnection() 返回一個 Deferred<Client> 實例.
  • Deferred 是一個類似於 pormise 的類型
  • Deferred 類型可以通過調用 .reject() 強製拒絕 promise (參見第二個示例)

示例 在 20 秒超時後拒絕重新連線.

async onLeave (client: Client, consented: boolean) {
  // flag client as inactive for other users
  this.state.players.get(client.sessionId).connected = false;

  try {
    if (consented) {
        throw new Error("consented leave");

    // allow disconnected client to reconnect into this room until 20 seconds
    await this.allowReconnection(client, 20);

    // client returned! let's re-activate it.
    this.state.players.get(client.sessionId).connected = true;

  } catch (e) {

    // 20 seconds expired. let's remove the client.

示例 使用自定義邏輯拒絕重新連線.

async onLeave (client: Client, consented: boolean) {
  // flag client as inactive for other users
  this.state.players.get(client.sessionId).connected = false;

  try {
    if (consented) {
        throw new Error("consented leave");

    // get reconnection token
    const reconnection = this.allowReconnection(client);

    // here is the custom logic for rejecting the reconnection.
    // for demonstration purposes of the API, an interval is created
    // rejecting the reconnection if the player has missed 2 rounds,
    // (assuming he's playing a turn-based game)
    // in a real scenario, you would store the `reconnection` in
    // your Player instance, for example, and perform this check during your
    // game loop logic
    const currentRound = this.state.currentRound;
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      if ((this.state.currentRound - currentRound) > 2) {
        // manually reject the client reconnection
    }, 1000);

    // allow disconnected client to reconnect
    await reconnection;

    // client returned! let's re-activate it.
    this.state.players.get(client.sessionId).connected = true;

  } catch (e) {

    // 20 seconds expired. let's remove the client.

disconnect ()

斷開所有客戶斷, 然後銷毀房間.

broadcastPatch ()



此方法會檢查是否已經在 state 中發生變化(mutation), 並將變化廣播給所有已連線的客戶端.

如果想要控製何時廣播補丁, 可以禁用預設的補丁間隔時間來實現:

onCreate() {
    // disable automatic patches

    // ensure clock timers are enabled
    this.setSimulationInterval(() => {/* */});

    this.clock.setInterval(() => {
        // only broadcast patches if your custom conditions are met.
        if (yourCondition) {
    }, 2000);


roomId: string

一個唯一, 自動生成的 8 字符長度的房間 id.

onCreate() 期間, 可以更換 this.roomId.

使用自定義 roomId

查閱指南 Check out the guide How-to » Customize room id

roomName: string

房間名稱作為 gameServer.define() 的第一個參數.


提供給 setState() 的狀態實例.


已連線的客戶端數組. 參見 Client instance.

maxClients: number

允許連線進入房間的最大客戶端數量. 當房間數量達到此限值時, 將自動鎖定. 除非通過 lock() 方法顯式鎖定, 否則, 將在客戶端自動斷開房間時立即解鎖房間.

patchRate: number

將房間狀態發送至客戶端的頻率, 單位為毫秒. 預設值為 50ms (20fps)

autoDispose: boolean

最近一次客戶斷開連線後, 自動銷毀房間. 預設值是 true

locked: boolean(只讀)

對於以下情況, 此屬性將發生改變:

  • 允許的客戶端數量已經達到 (maxClients)
  • 可以使用 lock()unlock() 手動鎖定或解鎖房間.


一個 ClockTimer 實例, 用於 timing events.


presence 實例. 查閱 Presence API 了解更多詳細資訊.


伺服器端的 client 實例負責伺服器與客戶端之間的 transport 層. 不應該與 Client from the client-side SDK 混淆, 因為它們具有完全不同的目的!

可以通過 this.clients, Room#onJoin(), Room#onLeave()Room#onMessage() 操作 client 實例.


這是來自於 ws 包的原始 WebSocket 連線. 還有更多的方法可用, 但是不建議用於 Colyseus.


sessionId: string

每個會話的唯一 id.


在客戶端, 可以在 room 實例中找到 sessionId.

userData: any

可用於存儲關於客戶端連線的自定義數據. userData 並不同步於 not 客戶端, 僅用於保留與其連線相關的用戶數據.

onJoin(client, options) {
  client.userData = { playerNumber: this.clients.length };

onLeave(client)  {

auth: any

onAuth() 期間返回的自定義數據.


send(type, message)

發送消息類型至客戶端. 消息使用 MsgPack 編碼, 僅含有可序列化 JSON 數據結構.

type 可以是 stringnumber.

Sending a message:

// sending message with a string type ("powerup")
client.send("powerup", { kind: "ammo" });

// sending message with a number type (1)
client.send(1, { kind: "ammo"});

leave(code?: number)

客戶端 與房間強製斷開連線. 您可以在關閉連線時發送一個數值介於 40004999 之間的自定義 code (見 WebSocket 關閉代碼表)


這將在客戶端觸發 room.onLeave 事件.

WebSocket 關閉代碼表
Close code (uint16) Codename Internal Customizable Description
0 - 999 Yes No Unused
1000 CLOSE_NORMAL No No Successful operation / regular socket shutdown
1001 CLOSE_GOING_AWAY No No Client is leaving (browser tab closing)
1002 CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR Yes No Endpoint received a malformed frame
1003 CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED Yes No Endpoint received an unsupported frame (e.g. binary-only endpoint received text frame)
1004 Yes No Reserved
1005 CLOSED_NO_STATUS Yes No Expected close status, received none
1006 CLOSE_ABNORMAL Yes No No close code frame has been receieved
1007 Unsupported payload Yes No Endpoint received inconsistent message (e.g. malformed UTF-8)
1008 Policy violation No No Generic code used for situations other than 1003 and 1009
1009 CLOSE_TOO_LARGE No No Endpoint won't process large frame
1010 Mandatory extension No No Client wanted an extension which server did not negotiate
1011 Server error No No Internal server error while operating
1012 Service restart No No Server/service is restarting
1013 Try again later No No Temporary server condition forced blocking client's request
1014 Bad gateway No No Server acting as gateway received an invalid response
1015 TLS handshake fail Yes No Transport Layer Security handshake failure
1016 - 1999 Yes No Reserved for future use by the WebSocket standard.
2000 - 2999 Yes Yes Reserved for use by WebSocket extensions
3000 - 3999 No Yes Available for use by libraries and frameworks. May not be used by applications. Available for registration at the IANA via first-come, first-serve.
4000 - 4999 No Yes Available for applications

error(code, message)

將錯誤及代碼與消息一並發送給客戶端. 客戶端可以在 onError 對其進行處理

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