
您可以在调用 onAuth()onJoin() 方法时展示一个错误提示来拒绝玩家接入.


下方是验证 @colyseus/social 身份认证令牌, 以及检索与用户 id 关联的 Hero 记录.

export class BattleRoom extends Room {

  onCreate(options) {
    this.levelRequired = 10;

  async onAuth(client, options) {
    const userId = verifyToken(options.token)._id;
    const hero = await Hero.findOne({ userId });

    if (!hero) {
      throw new Error("'Hero' not found in the database!");

    } else if (hero.level < this.levelRequired) {
      throw new Error("player do not have the level required to be on this room.");


    return hero;



client.joinOrCreate("battle", {}).then(room => {
  // ...
}).catch(e => {
  console.log(e) // "'Hero' not found in the database!"

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